Matefaim pancakes with apples and caramel


_ Collect the cardamom seeds and crush them fine.
_ Soften the milk with butter in a pan and add the spices. Let it infuse for 10 min. Make a reservation.
_ Separate the white from the yellow.
_ In a salad bowl, mix flour with 60 g of sugar. Make a well and add the yellows.
Mix slowly incorporating the flour then pour in the milk several times.
Add caramel, rum then white mounted in heavy snow. Let to rest at room temperature.
_ Meanwhile, peel the apples, remove the heart and grind them into thin slats.
Sprinkle them with leftover sugar.
_ In a warm and slightly oiled non-stick pancake pan, pour a nice slice of dough and arrange apple slates.
Let cook for 4/5 min, then flip the pancake.
Continue to cook 2 min. Keep going until supplies last.
_ Serve the warm pancakes sprinkled with icing sugar.


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