Scalloped potatoes, tomato, chorizo and egg


_ Wash the potatoes and cook them without peeling them in a pan of salt water from cold start, cook for about 30 minutes according to the caliber of the potatoes. Poking with a knife to check cooking, it must not have resistance. Once cooked, let them cool a bit and peel.
_ Meanwhile, peel, de-germinate and finely mince the onion and garlic. Wash and cut the tomatoes into pieces and the chorizo into washers (with the skin or not).
_ In a fryer heat a fillet of olive oil and add onion and garlic, add the tomatoes, chorizo, thyme and pour the tomato coulis. Salt and pepper, then allow to simmer for about ten minutes.
_ Mix the potatoes and the tomato preparation then pour it all in a gratin dish. Break eggs on top and bake for 10-15 minutes at 180°C in a preheated oven. The egg white must be well cooked and the yolk still a little running.


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